Monday, July 11, 2011

"Beauty Will Save the World" -Dostoevsky

Well I've made it to Montana and it is absolutely beautiful.  Lakeside (The town the school is in) sits next to the beautiful mountain lake know as Flathead.  Its outlined by mountains that lead you into Glacier Park. The wildlife here is crazy.  Bear sightings are frequent, the deer appear domesticated, and I've been dived bombed twice by crows.  Today was my first day of class.  We went over the history of the English language, and then diagrammed sentences.  We have class from 8-5 this week and then next week we have class during those regular hours and teach in town in the evenings from 5:30-8:30.  Tomorrow and Wednesday we have quizzes and an essay is due on Monday.  It seems like it's going to be pretty intense, and it's only day 1!  There are 8 people taking the course and I like that its a small number because the base is fairly large and staff alone consists of around 130 individuals.  Being here has really made me stop and think about what I want to do with life.  I feel like I work really hard to make plans that I believe will lead me to be happy and I'm painfully learning that God wants to tell me what to do instead of me trying to decide.  This sounds like it would be freeing and I'm sure it is once you surrenderr, but I'm not sure at this point I trust him to take care of me.  I realize this sounds very silly but I think I'm brought here for this purpose as well; to give up control. Good thing I have a lot of time to process and listen., well that and spend 12 hours a day learning how to teach English.  Pictures to come soon!        

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